In April of 1974, weather conditions across the Southern and Midwestern United States took a catastrophic turn. The resulting Super Outbreak left Alabama ravaged by tornadoes, several deemed F4s and F5s, and was the cause of an estimated 86 deaths in the state.
It was considered by some the "darkest night" in North Alabama history. Special Collections presents "The 1974 Tornado Outbreak: 50th Anniversary Exhibit," located on the second floor of the Downtown Huntsville Public Library. The exhibit looks at the tornado outbreak damage to the Alabama towns of Tanner, Jasper, Cullman, Guin, and Huntsville.
This exhibit is on display April through June 2024.
When you visit, be sure to share your memories of that night by filling out our 1974 tornado questionnaire, available in paper and online. Your answers will become part of our archival collections and provide an important glimpse into the personal and shared community experience of the tornadoes.