Eleanor E. Murphy Friends

thumb_IMG_5974_1024 WEB.jpgThe Murphy FOL bookstore is a great deal for anyone who uses the Murphy Library; FOL financial support is a vital part of the book budget, says Murphy Manager Annie Phillips.

But the bookstore is just one aspect of Murphy Friends’ support. Members are helping to fund a new reading garden behind the branch. Huntsville Library Foundation, The Home Depot on South Parkway, and Murphy patrons are pitching in, too, with financial gifts and, in the case of Home Depot, donated labor.

Murphy FOL also supports children’s programs, including the popular Thursday afternoon science club. FOL tutors are part of Murphy’s outreach efforts at Chaffee Elementary School. Keurig coffee for patrons at $1 a cup is another FOL project in the works.

FOL meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at the Murphy Library. For more information, please contact the library at 256-881-5620 or murphy@hmcpl.org.


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