In response to recent requirements from the Alabama Public Library Service (APLS), the Huntsville-Madison County Public Library (HMCPL) has updated our library card policy for young readers. Starting March 3, 2025, all library cards issued to youth aged 17 and younger will require a parent or guardian to give guarantor authorization by submitting a Young Reader Card Waiver.
The waiver must be submitted online, and you must be signed into your HMCPL account using your Library Card Number and PIN/Password.
The parent or guardian must:
Be a resident of Madison County or a Limestone County resident living within the city limits of Madison/Huntsville or have a Non-Resident Adult Library Card.
Agree to take responsibility for all items borrowed by the child(ren).
Provide identification.
Have a signed Young Reader Card Waiver Form to establish the level of access for the young reader.
Parents or guardians can change the level of access for a Young Reader Card at any time by signing a new waiver. The available access levels are:
Young Readers Level 1 –
Items in the Juvenile (JUV) section including fiction and nonfiction board books, picture books, chapter books, easy reader, audiobooks, music CDs, and videos with intended audiences ages birth to 12 years old.
Video ratings: G, TV-Y, TV-Y7, & TV-G where youth are the intended audience
Items in this tier will meet the Selection Criteria for Young Adult and Juvenile Collections in the Collection Development Policy.
No digital access on this card. No laptop check-out. Requires guarantor.
Young Readers Level 2 – (includes access to Level 1 materials)
Items in the Young Adult (YA) section including fiction and nonfiction books, audiobooks, and videos with intended audiences ages 13 to 17 years old. Parental guidance may be needed for some material.
Video ratings: PG movies, PG-13 movies, TV-PG where youth are the intended audience
Items in this tier will meet the Selection Criteria for Young Adult and Juvenile Collections in the Collection Development Policy.
No digital access on this card. No laptop check-out. Requires guarantor.
Young Readers Level 3 – (includes access to Level 1 & 2 materials)
Items in the Adult section including fiction and nonfiction books, audiobooks, music CDs, and videos with intended audiences ages 18 years and older.
Video ratings: PG, PG-13, and TV-PG where adults are the intended audience, R rated moves, TV-14, TV-MA
Includes access to digital resources. No laptop check-out. Requires guarantor.
The waiver must be submitted online, and you must be signed into your HMCPL account using your Library Card Number and PIN/Password.
If you need help accessing your account, here is a guide to help you get started. You can also view this video.
We want to emphasize that the level of access remains entirely at the discretion of parents or guardians. You retain the right to decide which materials your child can or cannot access.
Additional resources about the new cards can be found here.