Membership and Circulation

Borrowers Cards

Resident: Issued free to all Huntsville and Madison County residents ages 18 and older. Residents of Limestone County that live within the city limits of Madison and Huntsville are also eligible. Valid at all branches and bookmobile. Identification with correct name and permanent address required. A government-issued photo ID is required, such as a driver's license, passport or student school card. ID can be out of area driver's license combined with a lease, utilities bill, or imprint on a check or deposit slip.

Non-Resident: $20.00 annual fee for individual. $35.00 annual fee for families. Family cards are for individuals sharing a physical address in the same household. A government-issued photo ID with correct name and address is required.

Only Resident and Non-Resident cards for ages 18 and older will have access to request Interlibrary Loan materials.

Young Readers: Issued to youth ages 17 and younger. Parent or guardian must also have a Resident or Non-Resident card and sign a waiver for their child to setup a card. At card setup, the parent or guardian must select the level of access for the Young Reader card. Parent or guardian must be a resident of Madison County or a Limestone County resident living within the city limits of Madison or Huntsville, and must agree to be responsible for all items borrowed by the child(ren). Identification for the adult is required as detailed in the Resident section listed above. Changing the level of access for a Young Reader Card requires the parent or guardian to sign a new waiver.

Young Reader Cards have three levels of access.

  • Level 1 Young Reader: Individual may check out from only the physical juvenile collection. No digital downloads access is available. This is the default level of access unless specified otherwise by a parent or guardian on the waiver.
  • Level 2 Young Reader: Individual may check out from the physical juvenile and young adult collections. No digital downloads access is available.
  • Level 3 Young Reader: Individual may checkout from the physical juvenile, young adult, and adult collections. Digital downloads access is available.

Guest Patron Card:

Issued free to adults ages 18 and older for in-house computer use or room reservation only. Guest patrons may change to a fully-privileged Resident or Non-Resident card when they meet the registration requirements. Upon registration, guest patrons must provide a form of identification as well as the following information: legal name, address, zip code, date of birth, and phone number.

Non-Resident cards expire after one year and will be renewed annually after payment of the out of county fee. Resident cards expire every three years and will be renewed after confirmation of current contact information.

Card Limits

Adult Card – up to 50 items
Young Readers Level 1 -3 Cards - up to 50 items.
Guest Patron Card - No items may be borrowed with a Guest Patron Card.

Check Out Period

All items can be borrowed for a period of two (2) weeks with four (4) renewals unless the item is on hold.


Holds are made for books, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks with a 50-item limit. Holds may not be placed on magazines, comics, or kits.

Access levels described in the Borrower Cards section will also limit the items that may be placed on hold by a patron. An item may not be renewed if a hold has been placed on it. Patrons will receive notification that their held item is available through email or text.

Materials are held for 7 days.

Updated: 3/3/25