On Demand 3D Printing

  • Design your project using a 3D modeling/CAD software such as Tinkercad or download pre-designed files from Thingiverse.
  • Submit your 3D project files to the Library for printing using the online form.
  • Upon review and approval, the project will be printed using one of our 3D printers at a library branch.
  • When your project is complete, you will be notified with pickup details. 
  • All 3D printing projects must adhere to our guidelines and restrictions.
  • We ask that you limit your print requests to no more than two designs per month.
  • Projects may take longer than usual to complete and staff will provide the project's print status throughout the process.

To ensure safe and effective operation of our 3D printer equipment, please read the following 3D Printing Guidelines and Restrictions before submitting a 3D print request

All 3D projects will be printed by a trained Library staff member

3D Printing Guidelines

  • Anyone requesting use of 3d printers must have a library card or a PC User card.
  • 2 regular print jobs or one large print job (over 75g)  per individual per calendar month. 
  • Currently while supplies last, there is no cost for 3D filament printing. Any oversized items (larger than 75g) will be charged $0.03 per gram over 75g.
  • All 3D filament printing jobs will be printed in PLA.
  • 3D files must be saved with the 'STL' (.stl) extension formats under 15MB.
  • Projects exceeding 4 hours may not be printed. Anything longer than that will be scaled down or altered to fit in the print duration limits.
  • Projects will be added to the print queue as they are received and reviewed. You will be notified when your file is received and if your file needs modification.
  • Please allow up to 5 days for your project to be completed. No guarantee of completion time will be made.
  • Printed items will be held for 7 days before becoming the property of the Library.
  • Objects will not be reprinted except in the case of mechanical failure of the printing equipment.
  • Due to limited inventory, projects will be printed in one color; color specifications are not available at this time.

3D Printing Restrictions

The Library reserves the right to refuse the production of any content at any time at the discretion of the Library staff.

Examples of objects that will not be produced include, but are not limited to:

  • Objects that are prohibited by local, state, or federal law.
  • Objects that are illegal or harmful to minors or that may be used as weapons.
  • Any object that is unlawful, threatening, abusive, tortuous, obscene, and racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable.
  • Objects that may be constructed as having an intent to harm or capability of harming others in any way.
  • Objects, whole or in part, that are subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection.


If you are not a current library cardholder, please complete the online registration process first then return to this form.
Either upload a 3D model STL file, or specify the Thingiverse URL for the model you want printed. You do not have to do both.
Files must be less than 15 MB.
Allowed file types: stl.
(Filament colors are limited by current availability; we will reach out to you if we are unable to honor your request.)
Please add any additional notes here
I hereby confirm that I have read and accept the guidelines, and I acknowledge that should I break any of the above guidelines in any way, or submit harmful or inappropriate projects similar but not limited to those listed, my project will not be printed.
By submitting this project, I hereby accept responsibility for and shall hold the library harmless in all matters related to patented, trademarked, or copyrighted materials
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